
What is Abortion?
Abortion is the process of termination of pregnancy and evacuation of the fetus by surgically removing the embryo or fetus in the uterus.
Some pregnancies may not be desired by the spouses. Unwanted pregnancies can pose a problem, especially for women. In this case, voluntary abortion can be performed to terminate unwanted pregnancies. Voluntary abortion cannot be performed at every desired week of pregnancy. If pregnancies under 10 weeks are not desired, the person has the right to terminate the pregnancy. Because abortion can be performed legally in our country until the 10th week of pregnancy. Pregnancies at 10 weeks and above cannot be terminated if they are healthy.
According to the Family Planning Law dated May 24, 1983, unwanted pregnancies in our country can be terminated until the 10th week of pregnancy. In this legal limitation, the time of pregnancy is calculated based on the date of the last menstrual period.
In Which Situations Is Abortion Used?
• * Unwanted pregnancy
• * Baby&39;s developmental arrest or unhealthy development
• * Infant anomalies detected in the early period
• * Pregnancy and childbirth pose a risk to the mother&39;s life
• * Situations where the baby dies in the womb
• * Incomplete abortions
Abortion can also be performed for gynecological reasons other than pregnancy. These include suspicious mass in the uterus, suspicion of uterine cancer, abnormal thickening of the uterine wall, also called endometrial hyperplasia, conditions that require removal from the uterus due to abnormal uterine bleeding. In cases such as bleeding after menopause, fluid accumulation in the uterus, abortion can be performed.