Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment

What is an Ectopic Pregnancy?
During a healthy pregnancy, the embryo, which is a fertilized egg, clings to the inner part of the uterus, called the uterus, and settles here, but if the embryo settles anywhere other than the uterus, an ectopic pregnancy occurs. The embryo appears to settle in the fallopian tubes in &49;95 of ectopic pregnancy cases. However, in rare cases, the embryo may implant in the cervix or abdomen. These areas outside the uterus are not suitable for protecting and holding a fertilized egg. Therefore, there is no possibility of a healthy development of the embryo in an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy has serious risks for maternal health. The embryo that settles in the fallopian tubes may continue to grow there and damage the tubes. This can have serious consequences, up to loss of reproductive ability and even death of the patient. Therefore, early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy and its termination as soon as possible is important. If treatment is not done on time, the mother&39;s life may be at risk. Even if the vital risk is overcome, serious reproductive system problems may occur that will adversely affect subsequent pregnancies.

How is Ectopic Pregnancy Diagnosed?
Ectopic pregnancy is mostly caused by the tubes being not healthy and damaged.

The reason for this is;

* Infection of the common internal genital organs (inflammation of the uterus, tube and surrounding tissues)

* Having a sexually transmitted disease

* Previous ectopic pregnancy

*Story of not having children

*A history of endometriosis

*Adhesions due to previous abdominal surgery

* Previous surgeries related to tubes (for example, tube ligation).

Except this,

*Advanced maternal age

*Smoking is one of the factors that increase the possibility of ectopic pregnancy.

* Increased risk can also be seen in pregnancies that occur with treatment such as in vitro fertilization.

In ectopic pregnancy, there are some symptoms that can be encountered during normal pregnancy. However, there are some differences with a healthy pregnancy.

Vaginal bleeding, which may also be in the form of spotting
Non-menstrual, light or heavy bleeding
Sudden, sharp pain that resembles a stabbing
Severe pain on one side of the abdomen
Abdominal and groin pain. It can be sudden and severe, increasing or decreasing in between and can be felt on one side on both sides.
Due to internal bleeding and blood loss, weakness, fatigue, fainting
Conditions such as digestive system disorders appear as symptoms of ectopic pregnancy.
All these symptoms can happen before your period is delayed or delayed, even when you are not in doubt about pregnancy. For this reason, ectopic pregnancy should definitely be kept in mind in women of reproductive age and emergency abdominal pain. In the presence of such situations, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. When applying to the hospital in these symptoms, it is tried to be diagnosed by gynecological examination and ultrasound. Sometimes, pregnancy test, Beta hcg can be checked in the blood. With the doctor&39;s examination, the Beta hCG value and the development and development of the birth sac in the uterus are checked. If it is observed that the birth sac is not developed in the uterus with Beta hCG that is above a certain value, ectopic pregnancy is suspected.

Since an ectopic pregnancy shows very similar clinical features with an intrauterine, unhealthy pregnancy or the threat of miscarriage, the diagnosis can be very difficult and the diagnosis may not be made for days. Beta hcg values are followed up intermittently to try to diagnose, and sometimes pregnancy is terminated before a diagnosis can be made. In this process, depending on your clinical situation, hospitalization can be done or outpatient follow-up.

Does Beta HCG Value Increase in Ectopic Pregnancy?
Expectant mothers usually know whether they are pregnant with the result of the Beta hCG hormone test. However, a high level of Beta hCG hormone does not mean that the embryo is properly placed in the uterus. Beta hCG hormone may be high as a result of the test in case of ectopic pregnancy.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the Beta hCG hormone level may be less than the expected value compared to a normal pregnancy. In addition, low progesterone levels may also indicate that the pregnancy is not normal.

Is There a Danger in an Ectopic Pregnancy?
Ectopic pregnancy carries significant risks for the health of the patient; In some cases, it can be life-threatening. The egg that settles in the tubes can grow here and cause ruptures. Intra-abdominal bleeding, which starts with the rupture of the fallopian tube, can be life-threatening if left unnoticed. For this reason, ectopic pregnancy is a disease that should be treated as soon as possible from the moment it is diagnosed.

How Is Ectopic Pregnancy Treated?
In treatment, only monitoring, medication or surgery is used. If the pregnancy is small and the tube has not ruptured yet, drug therapy may be chosen. The drug can be administered as a single dose or in several doses, and it stops the pregnancy from growing and allows it to be absorbed by the body. In this way, the tubes are protected. If there is a response to the treatment, it is monitored with strict blood values monitoring. If not removed, surgery is done.

In order to determine the treatment method to be applied, the patient is subjected to a comprehensive examination. If you want to make an appointment for ectopic pregnancy and treatment in Gaziantep, you can contact our clinic.

Location of the embryo
The patient&39;s hormonal values
General condition and medical history of the patient
Factors such as the presence of bleeding are important in the selection of the treatment method.
If the mother has heavy intra-abdominal bleeding, fainting and blurred consciousness due to bleeding, necessary medical intervention is performed and direct surgical treatment is performed under general anesthesia as an emergency.

The surgery can be performed as closed (laparoscopic) or open surgery. The experience of the physician is important in the surgery to be applied.

If the tube has not been ruptured yet, pregnancy can be obtained with a closed surgery, an incision to be applied on the tube, or sometimes the entire tube may need to be removed.

Having an ectopic pregnancy always carries an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy in the next pregnancy. The probability of an ectopic pregnancy in the following pregnancy is from &49;1 to &49; goes up to 4. Therefore, in subsequent pregnancies, very early recognition of pregnancy and close follow-up with blood beta hcg values provide early diagnosis and increase the chance of success in treatment.

Drug Treatment in Ectopic Pregnancy
In cases where drug treatment is applied, the ectopic pregnancy is terminated with the help of a needle that allows the body to destroy the pregnancy tissue. Thanks to this drug given by injection, cell growth is stopped. In the treatment of ectopic pregnancy with medication, symptoms such as contraction and bleeding may occur after the injection. Blood tests are applied to determine whether the drug is effective. In drug treatment, a single dose may be sufficient, and sometimes it may be necessary to repeat the application. However, this method is generally not preferred. The most effective treatment of ectopic pregnancy is immediate intervention with surgery.

Surgical Method in the Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy
In particular, in cases where the tubes are damaged or ruptured in a late-diagnosed ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to resort to a surgical method. Some or all of the tubes are removed by surgical intervention, also known as ectopic pregnancy surgery. In such cases where bleeding occurs, the patient is usually taken to surgery as an emergency. Ectopic pregnancy surgery can be performed as closed or open surgery with the laparoscopic method, depending on the physician&39;s recommendation.

Gaziantep Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment Prices
Ectopic pregnancy treatmentGaziantep can be performed with more than one method. The treatment plan is made on a case-by-case basis, depending on the patient&39;s medical condition. Depending on the patient&39;s condition at the time of diagnosis, treatment options are available with medication or surgical intervention. Therefore, the prices of ectopic pregnancy treatment vary. You can contact our clinic to get information about ectopic pregnancy treatment prices in Gaziantep; You can make an appointment.