Natural Birth

Gaziantep Natural (Normal) Birth
Between the 37th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy, spontaneous onset of labor and the vaginal delivery of the baby are defined as natural birth. Birth pains and contractions in the uterus begin spontaneously. . If no complications are encountered during delivery and no medical intervention is required, natural normal delivery can be mentioned.
By contacting our clinic for all other processes related to natural birth and pregnancy in Gaziantep; Kiss. Dr. You can make an appointment with Emine Suat.
What are the Birth Types?
There are four different types of birth, classified depending on the interventions and how the birth took place;
Natural (normal) birth,
cesarean birth,
epidural delivery,
What is Natural Birth?
Natural birth is a process that begins with the spontaneous onset of labor pains in the mother. It is possible to talk about natural birth when there is no need for any intervention during the birth process and vaginal birth occurs without any problems. Natural birth is also known as normal birth among the people. During normal delivery, no medical intervention is made to the mother and baby. Under normal circumstances, it is the birth process that begins on its own and completes its course biologically.
How Does Natural Birth Happen?
The natural birth process consists of 3 stages. With the onset of regular contractions, the first phase is entered. The transition to the second stage is made with full dilatation in which the necessary opening is achieved. The period from the birth of the baby to the separation of the placenta is defined as the third stage.
First Stage
The first stage is the longest phase of the birth process. With the onset of regular contractions and pains, the cervix begins to expand. Birth pains come every 8-10 minutes. From time to time, expectant mothers have difficulty distinguishing between real labor pains and fake pains. real labor pains;
It comes at regular intervals
Increasing severity and duration
Pain does not go away with rest
Contractions begin in the uterus and the mother feels it as a hardening in her stomach.
The mucus layer, which keeps the cervix closed, is excreted as a light bloody discharge. When the cervix reaches a width of 6-7 cm, the baby&39;s head begins to press against the entrance of the birth canal. With this pressure, the water bladder can be opened.
Second Stage
At this stage, the cervix reaches full opening and enlarges by an average of 10 cm. It is a phase in which the frequency of contractions increases and their duration is prolonged. The frequency of pain decreases to every 2-3 minutes and the pain lasts for an average of 1 minute. A feeling of involuntary straining may occur. The duration of this phase may vary depending on the number of births performed by the mother. This phase, which lasts for an average of 1-2 hours in the first birth, decreases to 30-45 minutes in the births of the second and third children. It is not desirable to extend the duration in the second phase. The baby&39;s heartbeat is checked frequently with a fetal monitor.
At this stage, the baby comes out of the birth canal with internal rotation, extension and external rotation movements. The mother is asked to push actively. Uncontrolled, forceful straining can cause the baby to progress rapidly through the birth canal, and vaginal tear may occur at this stage. The experience and attention of the doctor is also an important factor in the absence of a tear or the completion of the process with a very small tear. If necessary, episiotomy can be opened. If the baby and the mother are in good condition after the birth, the baby is given to the mother&39;s arms.
Third Stage
This phase, which begins with the birth of the baby, continues until the separation of the placenta. The placenta, also known as the baby&39;s partner, falls off on average 5-10 minutes after the baby is born. The placenta, separated from the mother&39;s womb, is removed with the help of massage from the upper side of the uterus. In order for the placenta to come out, the mother is asked to push for the last time. After the placenta is removed, the doctor makes the necessary checks to ensure that there is no placenta fragment in the mother&39;s womb. If there is any tear in the vagina or at the entrance of the vagina during delivery, stitches are removed. The mother&39;s bleeding is controlled and thus the birth process is completed.
Gaziantep Normal Birth Prices
After normal delivery, the recovery period of women is quite short. At the same time, hormonal changes during childbirth help the mother feel less pain and be close to her baby during delivery. For this reason, the natural birth process performed under the control of a specialist and experienced doctor brings many advantages for the mother.
Normal birth prices are variable. You can call our clinic to get information about natural birth prices in Gaziantep; You can make an appointment.