Sexual Problems and Counseling

Sexual Problems and Counseling Gaziantep
Too many women in Turkey to count and suffer because of their sexual problems. Healthy sexuality is sexual satisfaction that feels good spiritually and physically, without emotional and physical pain. In the presence of sexual problems, normal and healthy experiences are replaced by a sexual life in which the person feels dissatisfied. Sometimes sexual problems are so wearisome that they impair a woman&39;s quality of life. Not only does it affect the woman&39;s own life; It also affects his relationship with his wife and his sexual life.
sexual problems; are physical or psychological disorders that prevent people from having a healthy sexual life. They are also called sexual dysfunctions. Difficulty in sexual intercourse, sexual reluctance, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation; are the most common sexual problems.
Sexual problems are mostly caused by psychological reasons. But in rare cases, they can occur for physical reasons. Sexual problems may occur due to socio-cultural pressures, negative sexual experiences and traumas, and misinformation.
You can find detailed information about sexual problems and counseling in the continuation of our article. You can contact our clinic about sexual problems and counseling services in Gaziantep; Kiss. Dr. You can make an appointment with Emine Suat.
Sexual problems that occur for various reasons are frequently encountered in both men and women. Commonly in women; we encounter problems such as vaginismus, sexual reluctance and inability to have orgasm, vaginal dryness and burning. In men, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are the most commonly diagnosed sexual problems.
Sexual problems can cause problems between couples as well as affecting the sexual satisfaction of the person. Depending on sexual problems; The person may lose their self-confidence. Harmony and happiness between partners may decrease. In order to prevent such situations, it is very important to get counseling about sexual problems experienced. For Gaziantep sexual problems and counseling service, you can contact our link and make an appointment with Op.Dr Emine Suat.